160 community & environment groups across Melbourne have formed a coalition to protect Melbourne's green wedges. We regard maintaining the green wedges for future generations as a yardstick for our generation's commitment to developing a sustainable city in a sustainable world.

Proposed Cemetery in the Green Wedge at Heatherton

A copy of an article on a proposal for a new cemetery in the Kingston Green Wedge was published in the Moorabbin Kingston Leader newspaper on 23 September 2015. For further information go to the Articles section of this website.


Proposed Cemetery in the Green Wedge at Heatherton

Defenders of the South East Green Wedge

Proposed Cemetery in the Green Wedge at Heatherton

The Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (the Trust) has a proposal for a 130 hectare cemetery in the Green Wedge at Heatherton.  Unfortunately, the proposal will result in the conversion of most of the best market garden land in the City of Kingston.


The Future of the Green Wedges and the importance of agriculture

Alan Thatcher

This is a copy of an article that I preared for Planning News the regular publication of the Planning Institute of Australia, Victorian Division, in March 2015 edition. It discusses the importance of agricultural land use to the future strategic planning for the Green Wedges.

The future of the Green Wedges


Green Wedges Coalition - overall priority issues and actions

Green Wedges Coalition

The Green Wedge Coalition (GWC) in its submission to the State Government on Plan Melbourne Refresh Discussion Paper (October 2015) strongly asserted that what is needed in revision of Plan Melbourne for the future of the Green Wedges is:


Proposed wholesale fresh produce market

Attached is an artcile reproduced from the Dandenong Journal of 21 March 2016 containing reporting on a proposed wholesale fresh produce market in the Green Wedge and dissent to the project.

