This is an occasional publication to highlight issues of major importance to the future of the Green Wedges and is also posted on the our website at www.gwc.org.au
This is an occasional publication to highlight issues of major importance to the future of the Green Wedges and is also posted on the organisation’s website at www.gwc.org.au
Attached is an article from the Dandenong Journal 23 January 2017 entiled 'Big dip for the theme park'. This concerns a planning application for a Chinese theme park in the City of Greater Dandenong Green Wedge.
Land use planning decisions have an enormous impact on the future protection of the Green Wedges. Such decsions determine all land use and development in the Green Wedges. At one level are proposed amendments to planning schemes. These include major decisions on any proposed changes to zoning and directions for the interpretation of planning policy both by the State Government and municipal councils. At the highest level they can involve issues relating to the urban growth boundary but are more often relate to issues of potential for urbanisation to impact on the Green Wedges.
THE Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has refused permission for a bottle shop to be added to the sales and restaurant activities at Tully’s Shed, in Moorooduc Highway, Mornington.
The decision follows a site inspection by VCAT senior member Russell Byard who described the “shed” as a supermarket offering goods from around the world.
The decision to not allow the bottle shop can only be overturned by the Supreme Court or VCAT.
On 18 July Frankston Council approved plans for a very large double storey ‘place of worship’ on the corner of Boundary and Frankston Dandenong Roads, Carrum Downs, in the South East Green Wedge. The complex also includes two ancillary buildings, a guest house, a caretaker's house and a barn, with a combined footprint exceeding that of the Bunnings Frankston building.
Since 2001, the Defenders of the South East Green Wedge have presented to the Victorian Civic and Administrative Tribunal on matters relating to objections to the proposed approval of planning permits that were deemed to have a detrimental impact on the Green Wedges. A lsit of the 28 planning applications addressed from 2001 - 2015 are attached.
This summary decribes the style of development being proposed and the success or otherwise of the appeal.
Plan Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy Submissions Analysis - May 2016
This following documentation is a direct extraction of content from the State Government’s recently released Plan Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Strategy Submissions Analysis May 2016 relevant to the issues of the Green Wedge Coalition as detailed in our submission to Plan Melbourne refresh process made in December last year.
This report was independently prepared for the State Government by Capire Consulting.