160 community & environment groups across Melbourne have formed a coalition to protect Melbourne's green wedges. We regard maintaining the green wedges for future generations as a yardstick for our generation's commitment to developing a sustainable city in a sustainable world.

Black Saturday: Remembering Jenni Bundy and Jenny Barnett

The Green Wedges Coalition would like to acknowledge the great work for Green Wedges  and the great loss to Green Wedges of our members Jenni Bundy, who perished at St Andrews and Jenny Barnett, who perished with her husband John at Steels Creek on Black Saturday, ten years ago today. Jenny Barnett was a keen and knowledgeable environmentalist who loved the bush and generally attended our meetings with Andrew Booth, Jenni Bundy was Kahn Franke’s right hand in the Green Wedge Protection Group and was enthusiastic about the VPPs. We think of them both today with grief and admiration.

